Globe Museum © Österreichische Nationalbibliothek/Pichler

Globe Museum

The Globe Museum of the Austrian National Library is the only one of its kind in the world – this fact is reason enough to go there.

Herrengasse 9

1010 Wien

The Globe Museum of the Austrian National Library is the only one of its kind in the world – this fact is reason enough to go there. The Museum was opened in 1956, and can be traced back to the activities of Viennese globe connoisseurs. The heart of the exhibition are the terrestrial and celestial globes made before 1850, the highlight is the oldest extant terrestrial globe in Austria, which the museum has on loan. When the Museum moved to Palais Mollard in Herrengasse, the old, valuable bowls got company of modern computer terminals.

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Now there is the possibility of interactive contact with the materials and to explore a virtual globe. Are you one of the persons who can hide behind an atlas for hours, without getting bored? Than you will have a really good time with 290,000 maps, 45,000 geographic-topographic views, 800.000 picture postcards, 650 globes, 100 reliefs and models of fortresses, and about 81,000 volumes of technical literature and atlases