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What is a Culture Shock and can it happen to you?

Culture shock is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals are exposed to a new culture or environment that is different from their own and it can happen to everybody, even to experienced travelers.

Culture shock is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals are exposed to a new culture or environment that is different from their own. 

Culture shock is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals are exposed to a new culture or environment that is different from their own. It is the feeling of disorientation, confusion, and anxiety that can result from the unfamiliarity of the new culture.

The scientific definition of culture shock is the stress that results from adjusting to a new cultural environment, often involving a sense of disorientation and frustration that may result from not understanding the language, customs, or social norms of the new culture.

It is a common experience among travelers and expatriates who move to a new country or culture, and can manifest in physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

Culture shock is typically described in four stages: 

  • the honeymoon phase, 
  • the culture shock phase,
  • the adaptation phase, 
  • and the acceptance phase.


During the honeymoon phase, individuals are excited and enthusiastic about the new culture and may experience a sense of euphoria. However, during the culture shock phase, individuals may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and may experience homesickness, anxiety, and depression. In the adaptation phase, individuals begin to adjust to the new culture and develop coping strategies to deal with the challenges they face. Finally, in the acceptance phase, individuals are able to fully embrace the new culture and feel comfortable in their new environment.

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